Monday, January 7, 2013

End of the World

 This is my car, her name is lady because she looks like a lady bug and i chose her as one of my three items to save. I chose her because i would obviously need a place to live if the world did completely end. Its good shelter and it could provide good transportation.

 As one of my other items i would choose chips because i have an addiction. Its very bad and i cant live without them. They would keep me nice and plump no doubt if this is all i got to eat which is good for the winter and in the summer i could run it off.

My last item is my dog, lucy aka cookie! She's my best friend, an awesome companion and she would definitely keep me sane. She's so sweet and the best cuddle buddy but she can be feisty too which is always good for protection. She's never left my side and i couldn't live a day without her.

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