One person walking
When i took this picture i was by the library. One problem i had prior to getting this shot was the sun washing out the whole picture so i moved into the shade. This shot was the best representation of the skill because you can tell she's walking and you can see movement without it being blurry. I tried taking the picture in the sun and it was too bright because i had to set the shutter speed lower. This picture could be a bit less blurry.
Vehicle Moving
When i took this picture i was out on the sidewalk in front of school. One problem i had prior to taking this shot was the car not being clear enough. This shot was the best representation because the car was very clear and the background had a lot of blur. It was a good contrast. I tried going slower while panning and it turned out just blurring the whole picture. This picture could be more zoomed in.One person running
when i took this picture i was by the library. A problem i had was not panning fast enough and making her really blurry. This shot was the best representation because you can clearly see her and can tell she's running. I tried a higher shutter speed and it didnt capture her clear enough. The background is really washed out.
Vehicle moving #2
When i took this picture i was out in front of school by the street.
One problem i had prior to this shot was not enough blur in the background and not showing movement. This shot was the best representation because its perfectly zoomed in and clear and the background is blurred out, showing motion. I tried setting the shutter speed lower and it blurred everything.The whole picture is really white, it could be darker.

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