Friday, April 19, 2013


My inspiration was to capture the wild and spontaneous nature. The technical challenges i had with this picture were what height to make the camera and I somewhat resolved the issue with trying different angles. The artist challnges were getting my models to do creative things and i overcame it by helping them and giving them ideas.

 For this picture i didnt really have an inspiration but once it was taken it made a lighthearted fun atmosphere. They amost look like they are floating too which is pretty good for the project. The technical challenges were the shadows, trying to get the shadows in the picture to help the allusion. The artist challenges were getting them to run and jump at the same time but i worked out well in the end cause they cooperated good.

 For this picture my inspiration was obviously levitation, magic, making it look real and unreal at the same time. Some technial challenges were making the background picture match the original exactly. Which it didnt but i ended up fixing it in photoshop. And also the original shadow was making the ground darker and it was lighter in the background picture. The artist challenge i faced was getting my model in a position to where when i removed the chair it actually looked like she was realistically floating. And i overcame it by geting her to make a good position.